
When should Bedikat Chametz be done in London in 2023?

Jonathan Rose 2 years ago updated by Michael J. Radwin 2 years ago 2

Hi, thanks for using Hebcal.

The search for chametz takes place after nightfall on the evening before Pesach. For the upcoming year, that would be the evening of Tuesday, 4 April 2023

tzeit7083deg: 20:20

tzeit85deg: 20:30

tzeit42min: 20:20

tzeit50min: 20:28

tzeit72min: 20:50

The definition of nightfall varies by custom. Here are the definitions in more detail.

tzeit7083deg – Nightfall (3 medium stars) – Tzeit 7.083°
When 3 medium stars are observable in the night sky with the naked eye (sun 7.083° below the horizon)

tzeit85deg – Nightfall (3 small stars) – Tzeit 8.5°
When 3 small stars are observable in the night sky with the naked eye (sun 8.5° below the horizon)

tzeit42min – Nightfall (3 medium stars) – Tzeit 42 minutes
When 3 medium stars are observable in the night sky with the naked eye (fixed 42 minutes after sunset)

tzeit50min – Nightfall (3 small stars) – Tzeit 50 minutes
When 3 small stars are observable in the night sky with the naked eye (fixed 50 minutes after sunset)

tzeit72min – Nightfall (Rabbeinu Tam) – Tzeit 72 minutes
When 3 small stars are observable in the night sky with the naked eye (fixed 72 minutes after sunset)
