
Is third Triennial for Chukat inaccurate? Chamishi and Shishi both have 21:25

Rabbi Jonathan Klein 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 3

It looks like Numbers 21:25 is listed twice in the triennial cycle; is this a mistake?  I think so.  Please advise.



Confirmed that this indeed was an error in the original 1988 CJLS triennial reading document. We've published the corrected reading on the hebcal.com website.


Confirmed that this indeed was an error in the original 1988 CJLS triennial reading document. We've published the corrected reading on the hebcal.com website.


Hebcal Torah readings come directly from A Complete Triennial System for Reading the Torah, published by the Committee on Jewish Law and Standards of the Rabbinical Assembly.

It appeared to be intentional (highlighting mine):

However, Rabbi Miles B Cohen's luach 5782 (page 189) appears to differ:

We'll take another look at the CJLS decision of Nov. 16, 2020 and see if the readings need to be revised.